The popular Five Guys chain was sued by a former architecture firm after it switched to a new architectural firm …

The popular Five Guys chain was sued by a former architecture firm after it switched to a new architectural firm …
Glencairn filed a trademark infringement suit in against Plamazonx LLC, claiming Plamazonx’ sales of whiskey tasting glasses sold as “Del …
Craft distilleries are often interested in introducing barrel programs. These can be a regulatory quagmire because distilleries generally can’t sell …
Those cool new car features that allow integrated on board car cameras and multi-purpose navigation devices might be short lived. …
Ahol Sniffs Glue, a graffiti artist, uses his public art to express his social activism message and counter-cultural criticism. His …
The copyright laws were written before we had digital music media. The evolution of the digital music industry has created …
Here are some common situations where potentially you may have failed to secure ownership of your business assets and how …
In business transactions, company assets are often pledged to secure loans or other financing. In some transactions, the intellectual property …
What You Should Do If You Receive a Settlement Demand Letter for Alleged Copyright Infringement by your Website……… First – …
The reverent Italian winery, If You See Kay Wines, named its Italian red blend “If You See Kay” with the …