What you can sell to drink at the distillery

• sell your spirits provided, you regularly keep food available for sale or service to its retail customers for consumption on the premises. A licensee providing the following shall be deemed in compliance with this provision: sandwiches, soups or other such foods, whether fresh, processed, pre-cooked or frozen; and/or food items intended to compliment the tasting of alcoholic beverages, which shall mean a diversified selection of food that is ordinarily consumed without the use of tableware and can be conveniently consumed while standing or walking, including but not limited to: cheese, fruits, vegetables, chocolates, breads, mustards and crackers.
• sell New York labelled spirits
• if the distillery (only – not a separate business) operates a restaurant, hotel, catering establishment, or other food and drinking establishment in or adjacent to the distillery and with an additional liquor license for on-premises, sell other alcoholic beverages at retail for consumption on the premises at such establishment.
What you can sell “to go” to customers from the distillery

Retail sales by a licensed farm distillery may be made only to customers who are physically present upon the licensed premises and such sale shall be concluded by the customer’s taking, with him or her, of the sealed containers purchased by the customer at the time the customer leaves the licensed premises; Such retail sales shall not be made where the order is placed by letter, telephone, fax or e-mail, or where the customer otherwise does not place the order while the customer is physically present upon the premises; Such retail sales shall not be made where the contemplated sale requires the licensee to transport or ship by common carrier, sealed containers of liquor to a customer; NOTE NO INTERNET SALES, NO SHIPPING.

• sell your spirits in sealed containers less than 1 quart
• sell New York state labelled beer
• sell New York state labelled wine
• sell New York state labelled cider
• sell New York state labelled liquor
Non-liquor things you can sell at the distillery

None expressly authorized in the law
What can you sell at off-site tastings

• with an additional permits, sell your spirits at the state fair, at recognized county fairs and at farmers markets operated on a not-for-profit basis. As a condition of the permit a representative from the distillery must be present at the time of sale.


What you can sell to other businesses with liquor licenses

• sell your own spirits to wholesalers and retailers

• sell in bulk your spirits to any winery and non-farm distilleries licensed to manufacture alcoholic beverages in this state.
